Scentsy generosity
Our impact
Giving is ingrained in our culture. It’s who we are and what we do.

At Scentsy, generosity means:
- We give more than we take.
- We are cheerful givers of our time, talents and resources.
- We think beyond ourselves.
Scentsy has donated more than $19 million USD to charities all over the world.
Scentsy Family Foundation

Mission: ”The Scentsy Family Foundation is dedicated to bringing value to the world through supporting children, strengthening families and building vibrant communities.”
The Scentsy Family Foundation was established to support what might be our most cherished value: generosity. We love cultivating an atmosphere of kindness and support in which our Consultants, customers and employees can thrive and contribute, too.
Through the Scentsy Family Foundation, we are able to offer philanthropic support to individual efforts and community-based causes.
Products with a purpose

We’re passionate about filling lives with fragrance, but we’re also passionate about filling lives with purpose. That’s why Scentsy offers a product with a purpose every catalog season through our charitable cause program. Whether a uniquely designed warmer or cuddly Scentsy Buddy, Scentsy donates a portion of each sale to support charities that focus on children, families and communities. Your purchase makes the difference!
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Direct giving
Every year, Scentsy and the Scentsy Family Foundation gives charitable contributions to family oriented programs, projects and events in our communities that bring people together and work for positive change.
Since 2010, the direct giving program has donated more than $1.4 million USD and supported over 150 charities.
The direct giving program considers requests for monetary donations and sponsorships benefiting sustainable, family oriented 501(c)(3) charities that create a significant and ongoing benefit to families and communities in the United States.
Learn more“The smallest act can ripple and spread and have a bigger impact than you ever imagined. We have the power to make that difference in each other’s lives and in the lives of everyone we meet. The simplest act can change the world. You can change the world.”
— Heidi Thompson, Scentsy Executive Co-Chair
Scentsy scholarships are awarded once a year to qualifying children of Scentsy Consultants and Scentsy employees to help with the costs of higher education. Each recipient is chosen based on a commitment to leadership, community service and academic excellence.
More than $619,000 USD has been awarded in scholarships.
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Since 2009, Scentsy’s summer giving program has impacted a broad range of local organizations and individuals. The annual Rock-a-Thon has been a unique and successful community event that started in 2014 and turned into its own unique tradition that we have continued to carry on.
Every year, we line our property in Meridian, Idaho, with 70 rocking chairs and rock for 12 hours to raise money for a local nonprofit.
We’ve donated more than $2.8 million USD to date.
Community outreach
We believe happy, healthy families build vibrant communities. Here are a couple examples of our current passion projects:

Wassmuth Center for Human Rights
In 2021, Scentsy became the lead donor for the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights education building. Together, we see the new education center as a foundation for change within Idaho and beyond. Scentsy Co-owners Heidi and Orville Thompson have always sought to establish a cohesion culture at Scentsy, and this is another way we believe we can help make a positive impact. As part of this partnership, Scentsy employees and Independent Scentsy Consultant leaders have also been invited to participate in the Wassmuth Center’s Human Rights Certification program at no cost.

Scentsy Buddy donations
At Scentsy Family Reunion 2023, every attendee was asked to take a blank notecard and write an encouraging message either to critically ill children staying at local hospitals and homes, or to children in foster care where our Reunions were hosted. For every card written, we committed to donating a Scentsy Buddy to local organizations. Thanks to our community of contributors, we were able to donate more than 4,100 Buddies to inspiring charities in the U.S., England, Germany, Australia and New Zealand.
Shop Scentsy Buddies
International Pay It Forward Day

Every April, one of our favorite traditions to celebrate is International Pay It Forward Day!
Since 2012, we’ve participated in International Pay It Forward Day by performing random acts of kindness in our communities worldwide. Scentsy gives every employee $10 USD to encourage a spirit of generosity, with a card to pass along that reads:
The employees of Scentsy are celebrating International Pay It Forward Day by doing good deeds and inviting you to do a good deed for someone else. It can be as big or small as you would like. We hope your day is a little brighter and warmer!
We also challenge our Consultants to pay it forward in their communities. Imagine the impact of over 300,000 acts of kindness worldwide!